Τετάρτη 11 Μαΐου 2011


  •                                           Andreas Alexander Marnezos born in Athens Greece the year 1970.

He Grows up with his aunt until the age of 6, then he went at the USA where he stays for four years and he finishes elementary at Ravence Wood High School (Chicago ill.).

At 1980 returns to Greece,finishes high school.

He Finished army at 1990 from the Tank Special Forces.After he went in England and he worked at the Traders Center security.

At 93 he moved at Belgium to begin his carier as a fighter,he make 26 professional Muay Thai(thai boxin)fights at the midlle waith category and in 95 he took the 1st europian championship .(he was trained at the B.I.K.B.A.gym,Brussels,Moalenbeak),He work the same time at the security of th Golden Nugget casino and he was chief of security at the Lasile Club at Brussels.From 95-96 he work as a V.I.P.protection in Amsterdam,starting at the same year his carier as an M.M.A. fighter(mixed martial arts)-(he trained at the Mejiro gym Amsterdam.at Laurrie Chracht).

At 96 he returns in Athens Greece to start his own bussines(tattoo studios,publishings) because of of a 9mm bullet wound at his shoulder(not a serius damage fortunatly).After a period of recovery he start training again and at 2003 he is the europian champion at the free fight championship in Amsterdam,since now he attends in many M.M.A.games(,now he going to play at the heavy waith category at the Europian Champioship 2005 at 12 November at the Lutraki casino in Greece).

Andreas Marnezos also is an hand gan expert shooter at the IDPA (international defensive pistol association) and he is second at his category (ssp ex) - ( stock service pistols ,experts ) in Europe,at the Europian IDPA Champioship 2005 in Italy.He also played in many IPSC ( international practical pistol assosiation ) games and he is 34th in the world at the IPSC International Champioship 2005 .

He also studied read lipin ( seminars at the deaf school ),body language,eye language,face language(phisiognomy)

He speaks Eanglish and he understand some Russian and speak some French

he adapts in every enviroment and every culture very easy.He manages very well security opperations,he move fast and solves dangerus situations. He is not afraid blood and he is bullet tested.

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